Fasting Guide

“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting”

Fasting Seasons

“Winter: The Nativity Fast (40 days)

Spring: The Great Fast (40 days)

Summer: The Apostles Fast (varies, but not too long)

Autumn: The Dormition Fast…ok early autumn, very early autumn, but you get the drift.”

source: Byzimom


Traditional Strict Fast


Use up all the meat in the house


Last day to eat meat


Use up all the dairy and eggs in the house


Last day to eat dairy & eggs

Great Fast


Only ONE meal per day, after noon


Up to TWO meals per day


No: Eggs, meat, dairy, vertebrate fish, oil, or wine

Great & Holy Week

Same as Great Fast. Also, no food cooked in oil on Holy Saturday

Allowances (Exceptions)

The Annunciation & Palm Sunday

Vertebrate Fish allowed

Weekends & Feast Days (1st & 2nd Finding of the Head of St. John the Baptist, Forty Martyrs of Sebaste; Day before The Annunciation, The Annunciation, and after The Annunciation. Also any patronal feasts of your particular parish.)

Oil & Wine allowed

Minimum Fast

Great Fast

No meat on Wednesdays and Fridays

Clean Monday

ONE meal, no meat, eggs, dairy

Great & Holy Week

Wednesday Friday of Great & Holy Week

No meat

Friday of Great & Holy Week

ONE meal, no meat, eggs, dairy


Fasting Disciplines


by which we give up certain foods, drinks and amusements, in order to break the hold that such things may have over us.


by which we seek to turn from any sin or evil habits in our lives, so that we may come into God's presence well-prepared to celebrate our Lord's Resurrection and our redemption.


by which we seek a greater practice of the virtues, a deeper life of prayer, repentance for our sins, and a greater conversion (metanoia) of heart, which manifests itself in good works. All of these are oriented to a deeper union with God – theosis.