Prayer for the deceased

God of spirits and all flesh, You trampled death, You made the devil powerless, and You gave life to Your world. Now, O Lord, to the soul of Your servant, George who has fallen asleep, grant rest in a place of light, a place of verdure, and a place of tranquility, from which pain, sorrow and mourning have fled.

As the good and loving God, forgive every sin of thought, word or deed he has committed. There is no one who will live and will not sin, for You alone are sinless.

Your justice is everlasting justice and Your word is truth. For You, O Christ our God, are the Resurrection, the Life and the Repose of Your servant (name) who has fallen asleep, and we give glory to You, together with Your eternal Father and You most holy, good and life-giving Spirit now and forever and ever.


Prayer to the Helper of Mothers - For Conception, Pregnancy, and in Difficult Childbirth

O Most Holy Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary, you are a mystical garden in which grew the Tree of Eternal Life. You are the Gardener of the Gardener of Life, the Soil whose Fruit shall not perish, and the Key to Paradise.

You are the Mother of both Lamb and Shepherd, the Protection against unseen enemies, more Spacious than the Heavens, the Trust of Mortals before God, and the Unfading Rose. When God so wills, the very order of nature is abolished. In a mysterious and miraculous manner, the Infinite and Eternal God took flesh from your most pure body and became man. You are the temple, the tabernacle, the gate, the palace, and the throne of the King.

Most Holy Mother of God, we beg you to look with favor on our request. Ask your Divine Son to (grant conception to your handmaid (name),) protect (name) throughout her term with health for both her and her child (name - optional), and protect them during birth from all danger and every visible and invisible enemy. Grant to her a godly child who is healthy in body, mind, and spirit, and who is virtuous in actions, and who is eager to please God in all things. Ask your Divine Son to grant to your handmaid the holy gifts of peace of mind, serenity, tranquility, and resignation to the will of God. Amen

Prayer for the sick

Physician of souls and bodies, with a contrite and humble heart we bow before you and beseech you to cure the physical and spiritual pain and suffering of your servant (name). Forgive all his/her sins, voluntary and involuntary, and quickly restore him/her to health. We pray you, hear and have mercy.

(3x Lord have mercy)


St. Joseph’s intercession

O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great so strong so prompt before the throne of God I place unto thee all my interest and desires.

O Saint Joseph assist me by thy powerful intercession and obtain for me all spiritual blessings through thy foster son Jesus Christ, our Lord, so that having engaged here below thy heavenly power, we may offer thee our thanksgiving and homage.

O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee and Jesus asleep thy arms. I dare not approach why he proposes near thy heart. Press him in my name (petition) and kiss his head for me and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.

Saint Joseph patron of the holy family pray for me.